
PROJECT /   commercial


The standard on furniture for most commercial space is for the types that satisfies the minimally acceptable functional and external appearance requirements with the least cost. Our furniture, with its emphasis on subtle if not invisible merits, is not a natural match. There are however both interior designers and hotel owners alike who know its value - in particular how a finely designed and hand crafted piece of furniture can uniquely elevate the mood and character of a posh interior space, be it in the most luxurious suites or in the fine restaurants.

Our professional and bespoke design ability has also been tapped by leading hotels in a very special type of project: service trolleys for fine restaurants. Defying common thoughts, service trolleys are one of the most difficult furniture types to design well. Not only do they need to satisfy all the expected functions in a small body that needs to roll smoothly over thick carpet, they also need to be ergonomic, safe to use, and sturdy enough for stressful day to day operations. And not the least is to match if not complement the overall design direction already established for the restaurants. It is almost always a serious design endeavour, requiring much communication, research and development cycles, before any crafting work starts. For such collaboration, clients who have the vision will be paid off handsomely for their time and cost investments.


项目 /    商业



对大部分商业空间来说,选购家具的标准是以最低价钱换取可以接受的功能与外观为原则。我们家具强调的是隐藏甚至是难以言传的优点,所以并不容易参与其中。感恩的是有设计师与酒店客户了解我们家具的价值 - 尤其是一件精心设计与全人手细心打造的家具可以大大提升高端室内空间的格调与深度,无论是在最奢华的套房或高级餐厅。

